Unraveling Obfuscation

ob fus cate – 1. to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy 2. to make obscure or unclear

Rapid Innovation

Posted by Todd McKinney on March 18, 2008

I dropped by the water cooler a few minutes ago, and noticed that Benjamin Golub is adding functionality to RSSmeme at a breakneck pace. I still have my concerns about this entire category being swallowed whole by Google if/when the reader team implements something similar, but for now there’s some really fascinating things going on around shared feeds. If the rapid rollout of new features keeps up like this, there may be a defensible position for these “first movers“.

Oh, yeah. The thing that caught my attention today was the addition of a FeedBurner feedflare on RSSmeme.

2 Responses to “Rapid Innovation”

  1. Glad you like it!

  2. Benjamin, thanks for dropping by. I found it really simple to implement in FeedBurner – painless is good! I know you said it wasn’t a lot of code to write on your end, but it just seems really useful to me and it was such a quick turnaround that I had to say something about it.

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